ICC Pakistan has the following policy commissions which are specialized working bodies composed of experts who examine major issues of interest to the business community. Commission chairs are appointed by the NC Chair from amongst the membership of ICC Pakistan who have expertise in the particular area of work.
ICC Pakistan
V. M. House, West Wharf Road,
Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Tel: (+92) 21 32311453 / 32311142
Fax: (+92) 21 32311286
Email: iccpak@cyber.net.pk / pncicc@cyber.net.pk
Web: www.iccpakistan.com.pk
ICC Headquarters
33-43 Avenue du President Wilson
75116 Paris, France
Tel: (+33) 1 4953 2828
Fax: (+33) 1 4953 2859
E-mail: icc@iccwbo.org
Web: www.iccwbo.org