· ICC Pakistan obtained Pakistan’s accession to the Istanbul Convention on ATA Carnet for temporary admission in May 2004 and its enabling provisions for implementation in 2007. ICC Pakistan is the National Guaranteeing & Issuing Organization. This World Customs Organization’s convention is overseen by World ATA Carnet Council (WATAC) at which Pakistan is represented and the system is operating successfully in Pakistan since 2007.
· ICC Pakistan introduced to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) the concept of auctions for telecom licenses in 2003. ICC Pakistan was invited to be a referee at PTA’s first mobile telecom license auction in Pakistan and also facilitated PTA’s participation in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
· ICC Pakistan arranged for the adoption of ICC Incoterms by the State Bank of Pakistan in its Foreign Exchange Manual by amending the Foreign Exchange Act in 2003.
· ICC Pakistan nominated H. E. (Late) Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada and Member to the ICC International Court of Arbitration with Mr. Mahomed J. Jaffer as Alternate Member in 2003 who were succeeded by Mr. Badaruddin F. Vellani as Member and Mr. Anwar Mansoor Khan as Alternate Member in 2012. Mr. Sajid Zahid and Mr. Arshad Tayebaly are expected to succeed Mr. Badaruddin F. Vellani and Mr. Anwar Mansoor Khan in the next term starting July 2018. Our current member to the ICC ICA is Mr. Ahmer Bilal Soofi whose nomination was confirmed by the ICC World Council during its session on June 10, 2021.
· In 2003 two MOUs were concluded in Canada by the Pakistan National Committee of the ICC with the Canada Pakistan Business Council (C-PBC) and the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME). This was facilitated by Mr. Khalid Nawaz Awan and Mr. Kamal A. Chinoy with the cooperation of the C-PBC President Mr. Andy Merchant.
· ICC Pakistan has facilitated the development of Cyber Crime laws, Data Protection laws, e-payment rules and other e-business rules in Pakistan. ICC Pakistan’s Commission on Digital Economy (formerly E-BITT Commission) through its Chair is the legal advisor for ICC’s BASIS and WSIS Forums. ICC Pakistan also facilitated the establishment of the Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (DNDRC) in Pakistan overseen by its Digital Economy Commission Chair.
· In 2004 ICC Pakistan Chair was requested to become a member of the UNESCAP Business Advisory Council (BAC) as a member. Since then ICC Pakistan through its Chair has been promoting and advocating accession to and implementation of multilateral treaties and conventions in the ESCAP region. Later on one more member of ICC Pakistan joined the UNESCAP BAC as member.
· In November 2007 ICC Pakistan arranged for the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) to interact with the Maritime Security Agency (MSA) of Pakistan in order to better coordinate efforts against marine piracy in the region.
· ICC Pakistan has been active in the promotion of Intellectual Property Rights laws in Pakistan with its first IPR session during its February 2002 conference and commissioned the PIPRC (Pakistan Intellectual Property Rights Commission) Report.
· ICC Pakistan was responsible for finalizing the Consumer Protection Ordinance for the province of Sindh which was promulgated as an ordinance. This was a requirement of the Access to Justice program of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
· ICC Pakistan has been promoting the enactment of the “Carriage of Goods by Sea Act”, “Sea Carriage Document Act”, the “International Carriage by Air Act” and the “Carriage of Goods by Road Act”. The International Carriage of Air Bill 2011 has been passed by the Senate and the National Assembly.
· ICC Pakistan remained active member during the tenure of the National Trade & Transport Facilitation Committee of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan and member of the Task Force on Trade Facilitation and Regional Connectivity of the Ministry of Planning, Development & Reforms, Government of Pakistan.
· ICC Pakistan as a member of the Committee for Updation and Development of Laws on Arbitration created under the Ministry of Law, Government of Pakistan facilitated by H. E. (Late) Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada for the replacement of domestic arbitration laws in particular the Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937 and Arbitration Act, 1940 as well as the promulgation and enactment of the Arbitration Agreements and Foreign Arbitral Awards Act (NYC1958). The enactment of both the “Arbitration (International Investment Disputes) Act, 2011” and the “Recognition and Enforcement (Arbitration Agreements and Foreign Arbitral Awards) Act, 2011” was achieved in 2011 but the Arbitration Act, 1940 still remains pending. In this regard ICC Pakistan was benefited by ongoing legal advise and information provided by Mr. Mahomed J. Jaffer, Chair of the Arbitration Commission of ICC Pakistan.
· ICC Pakistan qualified to be the Associate Member of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) in Pakistan in 2004 to promote its accession to the TIR Convention and its implementation to facilitate transit transport having been designated by the Government of Pakistan as the National Guaranteeing & Issuing Organization for TIR Carnets.
ICC Pakistan has conducted workshops and seminars on ICC rules:
· ICC Pakistan organized and hosted Pakistan’s first International Arbitration Conference “The Right Formula – International Arbitration” in 2005 at Karachi which was attended by the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, senior members of the judiciary both from the Supreme Court and the Provincial High Courts. It was also attended by senior jurists and arbitrators from the UK, Canada, Malaysia and India. The conference was presided over by H. E. (Late) Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada, the then Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Foreign Affairs, Law, Justice and Human Rights.
· ICC Pakistan’s Chair Mr. Tariq M. Rangoonwala served 6 years on ICC’s International Executive Board and served as ICC’s Regional Coordinator for the South Asia Middle East (SAME) region and later on the Broader Middle East North African (B-MENA) region as well as a member of the NC Com of the ICC Executive Board.
· ICC Pakistan succeeded to have Mr. Abdul Majid Haji Muhammad of Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry elected as member of the World Chambers Federation’s General Council who was later in 2013 succeeded by Mr. Junaid Esmail Makda of KCCI.
· ICC Pakistan signed a MOU with the Directorate General of Training & Research (DGTR) of Pakistan Customs on 25th September 2011 for training, mutual cooperation and sharing of information in order to facilitate capacity building for the eventual implementation of the TIR Convention in Pakistan and the accommodation and integration of ICC Pakistan’s ongoing ATA Carnet operations in Pakistan Customs IT system.
· On 2nd February 2012 PNC-ICC executed a Letter of Cooperation with the USAID Trade Project in terms of resources to create administrative capacity for the implementation of the TIR Convention, 1975 in Pakistan.
· ICC Pakistan in 2013 facilitated and cooperated with Pakistan Customs in the context of the e-documentation for inter-port and inter-modal movements as well as automation for transit and temporary admissions in Pakistan.
· ICC Pakistan completed 5 years as Regional Coordinator for the ICC Regional Consultative Group (RCG) Broader Middle East North Africa (B-MENA) region having chaired meetings of regional National Committees in Sharjah (2009), Damascus (2010), Amman (2011), Tbilisi (2012) and Doha (2013) and was directly responsible through its Chair for proposing and mooting the recommendation and resolution for the elevation of ICC to observer status at the United Nations and obtained a unanimous resolution by ICC during its World Council meeting in Hong Kong on 29 June 2010 which resulted in a UN resolution being moved in the UN General Assembly.
· ICC Pakistan during the 5th meeting of the ICC RCG B-MENA region in Doha under the chairmanship of ICC Pakistan obtained a unanimous resolution to upgrade ICC Palestine from a Group to full ICC National Committee status.
· In addition to being a member of the UNESCAP Business Advisory Council (BAC) ICC Pakistan through its Chair was asked to Chair the Task Force on Trade and Transport Facilitation of the UNESCAP Sustainable Business Network (SBN) in 2014. The Task Force since has achieved some tangible results in terms of accession to and implementation of key multilateral trade facilitation treaties and conventions in those ESCAP countries where they are not already implemented such as the UN TIR Convention on transit transport and the Istanbul Convention on ATA Carnets.
· In 2014 the PNC-ICC facilitated the ECO-IRU TIR workshops at Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad on 18th, 20th and 22nd August respectively. These workshops were organized by the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and the International Road Transport Union (IRU) under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan. These workshops explained the functioning of the TIR System and its benefits with the ultimate goal to prepare the accession of Pakistan to the TIR Convention, which establishes a global Customs transit system with maximum facilitation and security of international road transport.
· On July 21, 2015 Pakistan successfully acceded to the UN Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention), 1975. The United Nations Depository Notification Ref: C.N.420.2015.TREATIES-XI.A.16 was issued on 23rd July 2015.
· The PNC-ICC along with IRU, ECO and the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan hosted the TIR Implementation Workshops in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad in November 2015.
· Pakistan is represented at the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC) through ICC Pakistan’s Chair Mr. Tariq M. Rangoonwala as one of the Vice Chairmen of the SRCIC which was launched under the One Belt One Road Initiative in 2015.
· The Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan and The US Department of Commerce organized (Pakistan/ US/ IRU/ TOBB Cooperation) Consultations on the implementation of the TIR Convention and familiarization visit to Turkey (Ankara, Istanbul and Kapikule) from 22-25 February 2016 for the relevant government officials from Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Communications and FBR & Pakistan Customs. PNC-ICC and its TIR Commission also participated in these meetings. The consultations included visits to and meetings with TOBB (Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity); TIR Department of Turkish Customs, Ministry of Customs and Trade; Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communication; International Road Transport Union (IRU) Regional Office; Istanbul Chamber of Commerce; as well as visit to Kapikule Border Crossing.
· The PNC-ICC along with concerned government officials participated in CLDP/ IRU trainings in Geneva from 7-12 August 2016 which included meetings and discussions with UNECE at its headquarters in Geneva. The TIR Convention is overseen by the UNECE.
· ICC Pakistan’s Banking Commission through its Chair Mr. Ahsan Aziz has remained active in ICC Banking Commission work over the years who has remained part of ICC Banking Commission Working Groups and Drafting Groups including the recent drafting of the Wolfsberg Group, ICC and BAFT Trade Finance Principles in 2016. The publication is a joint product of The Wolfsberg Group, ICC and the Bankers Association for Finance and Trade (BAFT) which was updated to reflect the growing regulatory expectations as well as the more stringent application of existing regulations faced by the industry.
· On 13th December 2016 the United Nations General Assembly during its 62nd Plenary Session adopted Resolution No. 71/156 granting Observer Status to International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – world’s largest business organization, which was the first time business given official role in UN General Assembly in its 71-year history. The UN Observer Status proposal within the ICC was moved by the Pakistan National Committee during its tenure as the Regional Coordinator for the B-MENA (formerly SAME) region and thereafter having obtained ICC World Council’s unanimous resolution in 2010 to take up the matter.
· A full-fledged TIR Center/ TIR Administration Office was established at the V M House, where the PNC-ICC offices are located. 3 rooms at the 3rd floor of V M House has been provided to accommodate the TIR Center and the entire cost of development of the TIR Center has been paid for by one of PNC-ICC member organizations. USAID Pakistan Regional Economic Integrity Activity (PREIA) has provided assistance for IT equipment for the TIR Center which was paid by them directly to the vendors as well as provided funds to Pakistan Customs Automation for IT integration with IRU’s TIR IT system.
· On 27th January 2017 the Guarantee Agreement between PNC-ICC and Pakistan Customs; and the Trilateral Cooperation MOU between IRU, PNC-ICC and Pakistan Customs were executed at the offices of the DG Transit Trade, Pakistan Customs, Karachi. PNC-ICC Chairman and DG Transit Trade Pakistan Customs signed the Guarantee Agreement and the Trilateral MOU.
· On 23rd August 2017 PNC-ICC executed an MOU with Pakistan Customs DG IPR Enforcement for sharing of information and facilitation in trade related IPR enforcement in Pakistan. In this regard PNC-ICC has been facilitating contacts for DG IPRE through various ICC National Committees.
· A TIR admission audit was performed by the lRU Audit Commission (IAC) at Karachi on 10-11 October 2017. The IAC reviewed PNC-ICC’s capabilities with a main focus on TIR related processes and concluded that PNC-ICC meets the requirements in accordance with the TIR admission audit program and gained Pakistan admission to the UN TIR System.
· Mr. Babar Badat, PNC-ICC member and Chair of its IRT-TIR Commission was elected as President of FIATA during its General Assembly meeting held on 8th October 2017 in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Badat also served on FIATA’s Executive Board as a Vice President for two terms.
· On 20th October 2017 the Federal Board of Revenue, Government of Pakistan promulgated the TIR Rules for Pakistan vide S.R.O. 1066(I)/2017 dated 20th October 2017 after which admission process for cross-border transport operators commenced. This was accordingly amended by the FBR vide S.R.O. 1433(I)/2020 dated 30th December 2020.
· ICC Pakistan facilitated the TIR Trainings for Customs officials and TIR Trainings for Transport Operators were conducted by IRU experts on 25-26 and 27 October 2017 respectively which were convened at the Customs House, Karachi.
· A MOU on cooperation for the organization and performance of initial TIR transports between Iran and Pakistan was signed between the PNC-ICC, ICCIMA (Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture) and the IRU on 9th November 2017 during the IRU Goods Transport Council (CTM) meeting in Geneva. Preparations for the first TIR pilot transport between Iran and Pakistan is ongoing.
· IRU officially announced the operationalization of the TIR System in Pakistan on 6th April 2018 with PNC-ICC as the National Guaranteeing and Issuing Association for TIR and Pakistan received the first inbound TIR movement from Iran on 14th July 2018.
· PNC-ICC member M/s. TCS Logistics (Pvt.) Ltd. became the first TIR operator which was approved by the National Authorization Committee on 11th September 2018 and launched the first TIR outbound movement to Afghanistan on 12th October 2018 from Karachi to Kabul. Following TCS Logistics M/s. National Logistics Cell (NLC) obtained its admission to the UN TIR System in Pakistan on 30th August 2021.
· On 19th October 2018 PNC-ICC executed a MOU with its counterpart TIR association in Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ACCI) on cooperation for the organization and performance of TIR transports between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
· ICC Pakistan had been advocating the accession of Pakistan for the CMR Convention (UN Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road), which supplements the TIR the TIR Convention. Pakistan’s accession to the CMR Convention was achieved on 30th May 2019.
. On 9th July 2021 PNC-ICC executed a MOU with its counterpart TIR association in Tajikistan, the Tajik Association of Road Transport Operators (ABBAT) on cooperation for facilitating TIR transports to be performed between Pakistan and Tajikistan and through both countries to other Central Asian countries and beyond, according to the provisions of the TIR Convention.
. On 15th July 2021 ICC Pakistan signed an MOU with the Greek Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GPCCI) for cooperation between the two organizations for promotion of bilateral trade between Greece and Pakistan and the adherence to the fundamental principles of multilateralism in the facilitation of trade and investment for the mutual benefit of the business communities in both countries.
. On 18th August 2021 PNC-ICC executed a MOU with its counterpart TIR association in Uzbekistan, the Association of International Road Carriers of Uzbekistan (AIRCUZ) on cooperation for facilitating TIR transports to be performed between Pakistan and Tajikistan and through both countries to other Central Asian countries and beyond, according to the provisions of the TIR Convention and appropriate national legislation in force.
. An Addendum to the Guarantee Agreement for the implementation of Annex 11 of the UN TIR Convention was signed between Pakistan Customs (through Directorate General Transit Trade) and the PNC-ICC on 23rd December 2021.