How the ATA Carnet System Works???

The ATA Carnet system is a perfect illustration of how close cooperation between business and customs can facilitate international trade.

Each country in the ATA system has a single guaranteeing body approved by the national customs authorities and WCF. The guaranteeing organization is entitled to issue Carnets and to authorize local chambers on the national territory to deliver Carnets on its behalf. In major trading nations, dozens of local chambers have that authority.

The ATA international guarantee chain provides reciprocal guarantees assuring customs administrations that duties and taxes due in case of misuse will be paid – for example the sale instead of re-export of the goods.

The ATA Carnet operates under international customs conventions administered by the World Customs Organization (WCO). A World ATA Carnet Council manages the system in cooperation with the WCO. The Council has set up regional task forces to promote the ATA Carnet in Africa, Asia and Pacific, Latin America, eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Over the past 44 years the Carnet System has spread from a few western European countries to cover most of the industrialized world and a growing number of emerging economies. In 2006, approximately 158000 Carnets were issued worldwide, covering goods valued at almost US$ 15 billion.

ATA Carnets are Issued & Accepted in these Countries & Territories

Albania (AL)

Algeria (DZ)


Australia (AU)

Austria (AT)

Kingdom of Bahrain (BH)

Belarus (BY)

Belgium (BE)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)

Bulgaria (BG)

Canada (CA)

Chile (CL)

China (CN)

Côte d’Ivoire (CI)

Croatia (HR)

Cyprus (CY)

Czech Republic (CZ)

Denmark (DK)

Estonia (EE)

Finland (FI)

France (FR)

Germany (DE)

Gibraltar (GI)

Greece (GR)

Hong Kong, China (HK)

Hungary (HU)

Iceland (IS)

India (IN)

Indonesia (ID)

Iran (IR)

Ireland (IE)

Israel (IL)

Italy (IT)

Japan (JP)

Kazakhstan (KZ)

Korea (KR)

Latvia (LV)

Lebanon (LB)

Lithuania (LT)

Luxembourg (LU)

Macao, China (MO)

Republic of North Macedonia (MK)

Madagascar (MG)

Malaysia (MY)

Malta (MT)

Mauritius (MU)

Mexico (MX)

Moldova (MD)

Mongolia (MN)

Montenegro (ME)

Morocco (MA)

Netherlands (NL)

New Zealand (NZ)

Norway (NO)

Pakistan (PK)

Poland (PL)

Portugal (PT)

Qatar (QA)

Romania (RO)

Russia (RU)

Senegal (SN)

Serbia (RS)

Singapore (SG)

Slovak Republic (SK)

Slovenia (SI)

South Africa (ZA)

Spain (ES)

Sri Lanka (LK)

Sweden (SE)

Switzerland (CH)

Thailand (TH)

Tunisia (TN)

Turkey (TR)

Ukraine (UA)

United Arab Emirates (AE)

United Kingdom (UK)

United States (US)

Vietnam (VT)

Notification from Federal Board of Revenue, Government of Pakistan

ICC Pakistan

V. M. House, West Wharf Road,

Karachi-74000, Pakistan

Tel: (+92) 21 32311453 / 32311142

Fax: (+92) 21 32311286

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ICC Headquarters

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75116 Paris, France

Tel: (+33) 1 4953 2828

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